
Chart Forecasting

Long and short term Forecasting


Long and short term forecasting BTC/USD, BRENT CRUDE OIL

Focus on experience of Trading Assistance team multiple-technical analysis

This educational service enables you to experience the application of Trading Assistance analysis with short-term charts (using weekly data), intermediate-term charts (using monthly data), and long-term charts (using 6-monthly data).

Gain insights and learn advanced Techniques


Receive Trading Assistance market forecasts of your choice every week along with Trading Assistance's insightful analysis. Learn unique analysis methods to enhance your market perspectives.

  1. Forecasting charts using daily data: this timeframe is perfect for you if you're interested in learning how to apply technical analysis to short-term charts.

  2. Forecasting charts employing weekly data: If you're looking for intermediate-term market insight and technical analysis theory education, plus you're a "do-it-yourself" investor, focus on these charts and this timeframe.

Here's what you get:

  1. WEEKLY: If you want to learn how to apply Trading Assistance forecasting techniques to short-term candlestick charts (using weekly data), this is the perfect timeframe for you.

  2. MONTHLY: If you're looking for intermediate-term market insight and multiple technical analysis, plus you're a do-it-yourself investor, focus on these charts (using monthly data).

  3. 1/2-YEARLY - Published to subscribers in January and July, these long-term candlestick charts (employing 6-monthly data) offer significant perspective.


  1. Every Monday afternoon: Short-term charts are released.

  2. First Sunday of every month: Intermediate charts are released.

  3. First Sunday of every quarter: Long-term charts are released.

NOTE: Release schedule is firm except for national holidays and Trading Assistance summer and winter vacation periods.